Cat Care And What You Should Know

By Robert Baker

When a family makes the choice to adopt a new pet, they should realize that a feline may live to age 20 with the proper cat care. This makes adoption a long term commitment. It is imperative that the pet that is chose can live with any other animals in the home and that it can adapt to all of the family members.

There are many things to take into consideration when choosing your new pet. To begin, you should decide between a full grown cat and a kitten. There will be a wide assortment of colors and breeds to select from. You should also decide if you want a female or male and if it will have long or short hair.

Thorough research is necessary to ensure that you choose a cat with the right personality traits. As an example, Siamese cats are very talkative. If you are looking for a quiet animal, the Siamese is not for you. If you do not have a lot of time to care for and groom the new pet, a long-haired Persian is out of the question.

Nearly everyone loves a kitten. They are cute and will snuggle with anybody. They also are very active and may climb your curtains, dig your furniture, and get into things. They require a lot of time. They will also require routine trips to the vet for their shots as well as playtime to make them social. For families that do not have a lot of time or money, a kitten may not be the best choice.

Once you decide on the type and age of the animal you want, where to obtain it is next. Breeders are a good choice for families looking to adopt a purebred pet. Animal shelters are another option if your family does not necessarily need a purebred.

When adopting from a shelter, there will normally be adoption fees to consider. To save these fees you may even consider adopting a stray that is wandering in your neighborhood. Although this will save the initial adoption fee, a stray will likely require additional cat care expenses including routine shots, worming and altering.

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