Pastured Poultry And Other Methods Of Raising Chicken

By Kerri Turner

Pastured poultry is one of the different ways that chicken can be raised. In this method, chicken are fed green pasture. Awareness of the techniques used to raise chicken can have an effect on consumers and their decisions as to whether they will purchase chicken or associated products. Purchasing decisions drive sales and commercial farmers have to keep this in mind when deciding what methods they use to rear their chicken. Methods used also impact cost and marketing strategies.

Eggs are one such byproduct of poultry where costs are tied to the method by which the chicken was raised. Some local groceries provide consumers with options as to what kinds of eggs are available for purchase. In these cases, it is clear from the labeling on the packages that the distinctions are determined by the how the chickens were raised. Identifications such as free range or cage free correspond to significant differences in pricing.

In some cases, purchasing decisions made by the public are sometimes only driven by cost. In other cases cost is only one of the determining factors. In the latter, the way the chicken was raised can also be a consideration in determining whether or not to make the purchase. People may sometimes pay higher prices if they know that the chicken was raised through a method and treated in a manner that meets with their approval.

Advocacy groups point out that confining chickens too close together can cause injury. One method that seeks to alleviate these issues of close confinement is the free range method of raising chicken. This method involves providing chickens with access to the outside. The impression consumers often have is that chicken roam freely outside with no restrictions. It is key for consumers to make sure that their understanding of the information on the packaging is accurate.

The rules and definitions imposed by agencies or bodies responsible for regulation of the industry will vary from one country to another. These regulations will often determine what definitions can be featured on product labels. One example would be the USDA's definition of free range. The USDA is the government agency in the United states that is responsible for agricultural regulations. The USDA defines free range as simply having some access to the outside and could include chicken that have been confined part of the time.

Other definitions may impact the cost of byproducts. In the case of the cage free label that one might find on packaging, the label suggests that there are no cages involved in the rearing of the chicken. The amount of access to the outside may vary in this case and the animals can still be raised in confinement some of the time. Advocacy group have some concerns about some applications of this method. They claim that the cage free method does not necessarily eliminate the issue of raising the chickens too close to each other and that they can still be injured.

When consumer concerns go beyond the cost of the product, it also helps to have an understanding of existing marketing practices and associated regulations. Claims made on product labels adhere to regulations that are also specific to different countries. Some countries are much more relaxed than others with respect to the limitations placed on what producers can claim on their product labels. This could lead to misleading information.

Pastured poultry refers to only one of many ways to raise chicken. This practice where chickens are raised on green pasture, is considered to be a method where animals are treated more humanely than in other methods. There is some suggestion that this method results in better flavored meat. Others claims imply that eating chicken raised through this method can be beneficial to one's health.

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