What You Should Know About How To Stop Dog Barking

Having a family dog can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Having a dog that is obedient and well trained is an important factor in this.

 There are a lot of ideas and methods when it comes to appropriate and effective dog training and this is also certainly the case when it comes to methods to stop dog barking.

This can be done at any age, but it is best to start any training when the dog is at a very young age.

They are easier to train and they will be able to retain the training better. Once a dog is a few years old, it will be more reluctant to be trained and follow new orders and commands.

Many people believe that any training that is to be done should only come from licensed dog trainers. They will be able to provide a specific curriculum and step by step process that will certainly improve the habits of any dog.

When searching for a trainer to help with dog barking problems, there are a number of points that should be kept in mind. The trainer should have an extensive background in working with a variety of animals and not simply be someone operating an obedience class out of their home.

The training area should be clean and well lit and there should be the opportunity to get references and recommendations from previous and current clients.

It is also a good idea to go with a trainer who is recognized by the American Kennel Club and offers programs such as their Canine Good Citizen.

Training is never complete. Even after the classroom training, reinforcement needs to be continually done to stop dog barking, otherwise any successes that were achieved will be null and void. The dog will certainly go back to old ways if no consistent follow through is done.

The use of shock collars is an effective method to help with this.

These are completely safe and do not physically harm the animal. The amount of stimulation on these collars is more of a nuisance to them as opposed to being painful.

Depending on the type of collar that is purchased, there are options for intensity levels as well as the addition of positive tones.

When the dog is doing something undesirable such as barking, they should receive a mild shock. Some collars can emit a warning tone before the shock. Then, when the animal is good, with the press of a button, they can receive a positive tone. The use of treats along with this is helpful.

There is no quick and easy method to stop dog barking. It takes patience and persistence on the part of the owner, but it is certainly worth it.

Would you like to learn more about how to stop barking dogs [http://www.dogtrainingheaven.com/dog-barking/stop-barking-dogs/]? STOP your dog behavior problems and make him WANT to follow your every command! Click here now to download your FREE report (a $27 value): [http://www.dogtrainingheaven.com/dog-training-book/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sandy_Rutherforde

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