Reasons Why Dogs Have Tails

By Jerry Welsh

Different dog breeds have different kinds of tails. Some dog breeds have very short tails. Other dogs would not fail to gain the attention of people because the impressive appearance is enhanced by the long well feathered tail. The Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Keeshond are only some of the breeds known to have beautiful plumed tail. Tails of some dog breeds are purposely docked like in the case of bulldogs.

The tail can enhance the appearance of the dog but this appendage does have some other function. People know that dogs have tails but what they don't realize is that the tail is a functional body part of a dog. The tail is used for communication. We know that dogs cannot talk and yet these intelligent animal have the ability to communicate with humans and with other animals. Knowing the mood of the dog is easy simply by looking at the tail. An exuberantly wagging tail means that the dog is very happy or excited. Don't mess with a dog that holds the rigid tail high as it is a sign that the dog is aggressive. A tail that is held under the legs is an indication that something has frightened the pet.

Working dogs can find many uses for the tail. A Tornjack, a livestock protector that stays among the herd can be easily seen by the tail that towers among the back of sheep. The tail is an efficient counterbalance device. Dogs would scale ledges to follow a prey and the tail is used in the same way a tightrope walker uses a counter balance pole. The dog's tail is very important both to a human hunter and a pointing dog as it is used to point the location of the game.

Sighthounds and other breeds noted to be very fast runners are endowed with long but thin tails as this type of tail is an efficient appendage that allows these dogs to make sharp turns or to stop abruptly when following a prey. Retrievers can work efficiently in the water because they have a kind of tail that functions as a rudder.

Arctic breeds commonly have long and well feathered tail that are used for insulation. These dogs would usually sleep outdoors and as a protection against the elements, the dogs would curl up and use the tail to cover the face. Dogs also use the tail as a fly and insect swatter.

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