Dog Training Aggressive Dogs - 6 Starting Points To Get Your Dog Under Control

Training your dog is a big undertaking as a dog owner. As challenging as it can be, it becomes even more challenging when your dog is aggressive.

Dog training for aggressive dogs can be done with the right guidance. Follow the advice below to learn ways to redirect your dog's aggression so that he becomes a loving member of your family.

Preventing your dog from dominating you is very important. Professionals can train your dog for you but it won't be as effective as you doing it in your dog's natural environment. It's not impossible for you to do so.
I know that you want to be the one to train your dog.

Therefore, here are some starting points to get you on your way:

Starting Point#1 - Spay Or Neuter

Male or female, whichever you have, get this done. Remember, your dog has it instinctively built into him to be aggressive in certain situations. By getting him fixed you cut down on his need to mark territory. He won't be as territorial over toys and food.

Starting Point#2 - Start Training As Early As Possible

The sooner you get started on training your dog the better. If you get your dog as a puppy, start your training then. For example:

Your pup's favorite toy is lying around. You come over to pick it up and he takes his itty-bitty little teeth and tries to bite you. He's so small it's cute.

You unknowingly encourage this behavior by laughing and letting him try to bite you. It's cute I know. I'm here to tell you- were he full grown it WOULD NOT be cute.

DO NOT entertain that type of behavior even for a second. This can lead to disaster in his adult life. Instead give a firm "NO" and put him in a room alone for 30secs.

Then get him and bring him back in with the family. There are other behaviors but this is just one example to give you an idea of how you don't tolerate anything that could be dangerous if your dog is full-grown.

Starting Point#3 - Exposure, Exposure, Exposure

Most of us like to be around people AND dogs. Therefore, do the same with your dog. Expose him to other dogs. This is best done by taking him for walks at the park while he is young.

 Have your dog be around your family so it doesn't develop a tendency to frighten easily when people are in the room.

Starting Point#4 - Nothing Wrong With A Little Touchy Feely

That is touchy feely, not smack and hit. It's ok and a good idea to give your dog lots of pets and scratches in his favorite spot.

Just be sure to do so gently so it doesn't associate getting touched by humans as getting hurt. If you have children instruct them to be gentle as much as possible.

Starting Point#5 - Reward & Treat Him When He Respects

When your dog follows a command reward him with praise. Sometimes make it a treat you give him. This is a basic rule but it applies no matter what. Don't subject your dog to negative reinforcement. Keep the reinforcement positive.

Starting Point#6 - Is He Hurt?

This may or may not be a long shot. But it's worth a try. Take your dog to the vet if he exhibits behavior that you may think is over the top. You want to rule out your dog being hurt.

If he is, he will defend himself because he doesn't want anybody to hurt his wound or mishandle him. If you had been bodily injured you would be just a little agitated wouldn't you? The same thing with your dog.

Dog training aggressive dogs is best achieved by keeping it simple. You may also be interested in learning how to solve some common dog training problems that dog owners face. Click here ~~> to learn more about dog training tips that are simple, fun, and FREE to implement.

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