Puppy Housetraining Methods - Which Method is Best?

Are you using the best puppy housetraining method for your situation? Follow this handy guide to find out.

The Traditional or Direct Method

This is best when you have easy access to a backyard and can give your new puppy the time and attention he deserves. It's also the most popular method.

It's based on a frequent schedule of taking your puppy into the backyard. You use a designated area for it to "do its business". If your puppy does what you want, you reward him or her with lots of praise during and immediately after the event.

In addition to the regular schedule of visits to the backyard, you supplement this with vigilance and watching for signs that your puppy needs to go outside...

 in which case you quickly take him to the designated area.
With time and repetition, your puppy learns that this is what it should do.

The Paper Training Method

This is usually the best method when you don't have easy access to outside and the puppy will be expected to "do its business" inside the house.

It follows the same approach as the traditional or direct training method... with the difference that the designated area is inside the house and usually consists of a pile of old newspapers. Alternatively you can use dog potty trays, pads or litter boxes.

The Crate Training Method

This is based on the idea that the crate is the puppy's den. Puppies and dogs by instinct don't want to use their den as a toilet.

The crate training method can be combined successfully with the traditional or direct method and the paper training method.

Find step-by-step instructions on puppy house training.
Discover the easiest and most reliable methods for puppy housetraining. Whatever the breed. Whatever the age.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bruce_Hamilton

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